Damn it, Michelle!
So last night, Holly and I went out for dinner at Blue Peter's Marine Pub and Restaurant in Sidney. Choice of restaurant was determined by the Entertainment Book I had just bought. Overall, the experience was satisfactory, if a little irritating, but the range of that experience was a bit excessive.
Service to begin with was good. We were seated quickly and our orders were taken promptly. That's when things changed. Over thirty minutes went by (30 minutes!) before our food came out. There were two other tables occupied... To be fair, there was the pub on the other side that was busier. When the food did arrive, though, it was pretty good.
As we were finishing, a couple entered the restaurant. They were probably in their late 20s or early 30s. The guy looked like he came straight out of Langford (complete with long, unwashed hair) and the girl was no different (though, with shorter hair). This guy was loud, but amusing in a sad sort of way. The girl was the giggly type, most likely drunk and/or favouring an IQ of stupid. Stereotypical blonde without the blonde. After putting in their orders (which people outside probably could hear), they moved to the patio (thank god).
While all of this was going on, we were trying to get the bill so we could pay and leave. Our waitress cleared our plates and asked if we wanted anything else. "No. Thanks." Now, most wait staff would automatically bring you the bill at this point. But no, it took another five minutes or so before she reappeared and we could ask for the bill. When she did bring our bill, I immediately handed her my Visa, which she took. She got to her computer and, instead of ringing through the transaction, she went to 'help' (mostly by standing there and watching) the trailer-trash/ditz couple who were in the process of moving to the patio, our bill and my Visa in hand.

The last part of the experience, so far, had been rather interesting... but it got better. Errr, better? Not only did we get dinner, but we also got a show... ignoring the show we'd already been getting with the other couple. The area between the pub and restaurant sides is an employee area, with the registers and other stuff. This area is marked off with half-height walls and openings. From this area, we started hearing some arguing and raised voices. It quickly became apparent that the manager (I assume) should "call Michelle. Talk to Michelle. Michelle did this. I wasn't supposed to be here tonight. I never agreed to work tonight, it was Michelle's fault. Michelle never cleared this with me. Michelle just said that I would come in. Talk to Michelle. You need to talk to Michelle." Ad nauseum. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this waitress (not our's) was not supposed to be working, didn't want to be working, and that whatever had happened was all because of Michelle. Did I mention that it was Michelle's fault? I swear, we heard 'Michelle' at least 200 times in 5 minutes. Every third word from this woman's mouth was "Michelle". I think Blue Peter's may have one or two less wait staff soon. I'm curious to know who this Michelle is. Holly was suggesting we should go back and ask for Michelle, or call ahead and ask.

Interesting night. At least the food was good.
On a completely different note, I can't believe I missed International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Tuesday! Damn it, Sara, why didn't you remind me?!?
That is all, Michelle.
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