^(3,6,12)+ months$
For the non-speakers of regex parlance, this roughly means "3, 6, and 12 months". That's far from rigorous, though. When I say "roughly", I really mean it.
Anyway, this post will be broken down to their respective 3, 6, and 12 month relevances.
3 months
Three, maybe four, months already. It doesn't sound like long, but it sure felt like a long time. That's how long it's been since I last taught a swing class... until Sunday. The latest session of classes started up then and I'm teaching again. I missed the last session because I was in Europe, and summer was free of classes altogether.
This session I'm teaching Balboa 1, meaning it will be an interesting six weeks of classes. Interesting because I'm a little rusty in my teaching. Interesting because I haven't taught balboa before. Interesting because I've only danced balboa for a relatively short time. Just don't tell my students that!

6 months
If you haven't been to the Red Hot Swing website, there's a forum hosted on it for us to do the usual forum-like stuff. One recent thread, started by Chris, is the "Happy Dances" where you get to post why you are doing your own personal happy dance. One item for me that requires a happy dance is this section, the six months. As of yesterday, September 18, Holly and I reached the six month mark. We marked the occasion by spending what time we could together, as we have for the six months prior. It's a nice way to celebrate.

12 months
Twelve months ago, I was in Vancouver for a workshop weekend with Steven and Virginie. This past weekend, I was at it again. I'll probably be there again next year. Steven and Virginie are amazing dancers and incredibly fun teachers! It's impossible not to have fun with them.
So, ^(3,6,12)+ months$. All of those deserve a happy dance.
That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
I'm very happy to join you for that Happy Dance :) and many more in the future!
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