August 15, 2006

Breaking the speed limit...

Well, I would have, if the speed limit had been in effect.

Saturday evening, Holly and I were rollerblading along Henderson Rd. behind UVic when we came upon one of those portable radar gun trailers with the display. You know the ones, the self-contained boxes with display that tags vehicles as they drive past and displays their speed for all to see. Anyway, for the longest time I've wanted to know how fast I can go on rollerblades. I've looked into different options, like rollerblade speedometers, but those are kind of expensive. I had the idea of getting a friend with a bicycle speedometer to pace me, but that requires effort. So when I saw this radar box and a clear, smooth, flat stretch of road, the light bulb flickered on. I went up the road a little and waited for a few cars to pass, then I made my run. To my delight, I was picked up and registered a speed: 31kph. If the school zone had been in effect, I would have been speeding! I made for a second run later when we passed it again on the way back. On the second run, my speed was confirmed as I was clocked at 31kph again.

I'm happy with that speed, but I know I can do faster. These aren't excuses, but I was already tired from rollerblading earlier in the day and I had a backpack on. Plus, my rollerblades need maintenance, as the last time I cleaned and rotated the wheels was probably about 1.5 seasons ago and they're definitely due for rotation. I should be able to squeeze a few more klicks out.

That is all.



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