BEAR with me here...
The Bear robot to the rescue
Vecna Robotics has built a protoype of the BEAR robot for the US Army. It's designed to find, pick up, and rescue wounded soldiers. Other applications are possible. Pretty cool stuff. Scroll further down and you'll see pictures; it really DOES look like a bear! At least, its head does... But look past its head and OMG, IT'S JOHNNY 5!!!
That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
The robot's pretty cool!
The company that makes it chose a very odd name... Vecna is an evil undead god of destructive secrets in D&D. In a company full of engineers/geeks, *somebody* must have known that!
I don't know about you, but that sounds about right, then, considering where the prototype is headed...
One word: StressGen
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how a biotech company (now called nventa) has a connection here?
Unless you're talking about weird names... nventa, yes. StressGen, not really.
I just think StressGen is a stupid, stupid name.
Sure, but StressGen is still better than nventa.
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