August 18, 2006

Interior design

So I'm now an interior designer at work... We've got an unused workstation area in one corner and a whiteboard with no useful space in front of it in another corner. The idea is to clear out the area in front of the whiteboard, install a webcam, and place a table and chairs so it can be used for discussions, meetings, and teleconferences. That involves moving servers and furniture, and for the last couple days, I've been planning possible moves to make the best use of the spaces. I'll soon have my own 'dedicated' server area complete with KVM.

On a different note, I've enabled keyword verification for adding comments. I've been getting more and more botspam comments and it's getting irritating deleting each one. I'm sure you've all used these before, but if you haven't, it's pretty obvious. Sigh, the price you pay for popularity...

That is all.



At 18/8/06 11:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I know botspam. Those guys are BLEEEEEEP BLEEEEEPing sheep BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPs.


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