Come on in, the water's fine!
This weekend was a Rotaract 'camping' trip. Being a 'member by association', I got to go. Well, for Friday night. Holly had to work Saturday, and there was dancing on Saturday night, so we left godawful early Saturday morning. Anyway, we stayed in an actual UVic biology research lab on Cowichan Lake. This building was a log cabin, with a biology lab on the main floor (kitchen adjacent...), with floor space for sleeping upstairs. Large foam mats were available for sleeping on. As Holly and I were laying out the sleeping mats, I discovered a great use for the mats... Doubled up (for added cushioning... one wasn't enough, ouch!) on the dusty floor, they make excellent sliding surfaces!! Take a running start and Superman-dive onto the mats and you go sliding across the floor. It was a lot of fun! Here I am, the oldest in the group, acting the most childish.

Anyway, back it up a bit. We had turned onto highway 18, off the TransCanada going up the island, and were headed to Lake Cowichan. Not long after, we passed a bag of (hot dog and hamburger) buns on the road. Not just a normal bag, a LARGE bag. What then ensued was a debate on whether or not we should have stopped to pick up said bag. This then deteriorated to a debate on how big the bag actually was. Our frame of reference? Holly. "One Holly-sized bag of buns, please!" Later that night, the debate was rehashed and Holly brought up the incident where Holly and Liz were determined to be 5 cubic feet of volume... by packing themselves into a box of said size. Yep.
So that reminded me of a couple measurement units we use on our swing team. The first one is the Byron. Byron, sav's friend, was over from Montreal and was helping to clean up our routine, do some polishing. In this case, we were looking at our spacing between couples and out of that was born the Byron unit of distance. At a practice recently, we were working on aerials, and in particular, one aerial where the guy gets to go upside-down. I weigh a metric nothing, so I'm really easy to pick up. Out of that, sav announced the Wayne unit of weight.
We're well on our way to drafting our own measurement system. We have the following units: the Holly and the Holly-Liz for volume, the Byron for distance, and the Wayne for weight.
Anyway, back to Lake Cowichan. That night, after a rousing game of Monopoly (how come we didn't play the 90210 board game?), we all went down to the lake for a midnight swim... at 2AM. Standing in the dark, on the beach, in the cool air (some might say cold), we contemplated just how cold the water would be. However, we were all pleasantly surprised to find the water was actually fine. Once submersed, it felt warmer than the air. It was a lot of fun!
That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.