July 19, 2006

It's a giant foam mattress!

Subtitle: Land of the (almost) midnight sun.

Current Herräng time: Sunday, July 2, 2006, 1:03PM.

So last night I got into Herräng with my Canada flag draped over my shoulders like a cape. I was first greeted by Stompy Dave. Oh, and guess who my limo driver was? Raphaela! I'm wandering around Arlanda and I see Raphaela walking towards me.

Anyway, I'm in Herräng and I'm definitely getting extra attention thanks to the flag. I came across a few Vancouverites, including Stephanie. Mandi (organizer of the apartment) somehow found me, despite my amazing camoflage... The new apartment arrivals (me and Maryann) got shown the place, which is a nice, short walk from the main camp building and the school. It's definitely cozy with six people. It's about 12' x 12' with a ~4' x 5' kitchen and similar-sized washroom. The shower is downstairs. The hardwood floor looks new, but once the foam mattresses were laid, the place turned into one giant foam mattress with almost a path to walk... after the luggage. Speaking of luggage, Mandi, Patrick, and Kathy (Torontonians and three of the people I'm staying with) had all lost their luggage on the way! Thankfully it all showed up last night. They had already spent a night here...

So, Land of the (Almost) Midnight Sun. I don't know what parallel we're on (I have to look it up.) [Update: Herräng is at 60.1333N latitude. For reference, Victoria is at 48.43333N latitude.], but the sun only sets for a few hours a night. Walking around at two in the morning, it was still light enough to see! The sun was past the horizon, but was still lighting the bottom bit of the sky.

Miscellaneous observation inserted at random: It's interesting to travel halfway around the world and be amongst a mass of people doing the same things, dancewise, that you do... and especially when they have the same problems and tendencies you have in your own city.

Hmmm... when's the Communications Centre going to be set up? I want to call some people!

That is all.

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At 20/7/06 12:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice, keep them coming!


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