June 16, 2006

Oh so close, yet oh so far!

What time is it? 3:15PM? In 336 hours (2 weeks for the rest of you), I'll be sitting inside a Bombardier Dash 8-100, operated by Air Canada Jazz, on my way to YVR (Vancouver). Assuming it leaves on time, I should be a little over halfway there. From there, it's British Airways to London and then Stockholm. By this point, I should be decked out in Canada gear, starting my Canada Day celebrations. I have to make up for being away from the home festivities! I might leave my big flag in my bag until after I leave the airports and I'm on my way to Herräng... don't want airport security thinking I'm too crazy. I'm sure when I arrive the other Canucks will know what's going on.

me: I need to get a big Canada flag for Canada Day, so I can wear it when I'm out of the country.
bro: You're going to wear it? Just get one of those Canada shirts.
me: Why? Why not a flag?
bro: You don't want to look like you're wearing a cape and pretending to be a super hero.
me: Don't I? Don't I?

Hmmmm, Cap'n Canada has a nice ring to it...

That is all.



At 17/6/06 2:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bam! This year's Halloween costume.


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