[MSN Spaces] Chastise something or other... Ni!
One of these days, remind me to chastise all of you for not leaving more comments.... you lazy bastards. While Holly and I were going over some minor tweaks for her guest blog entry, I compared our different writing styles. My writing style tends to be closer to how I speak. For me, it feels more like I'm carrying on a dialogue (in a solo, monologue kind of way...) with my audience. BUT THAT DOESN'T WORK IF YOU LAZY PUNKS DON'T COMMENT!!!
Writing this blog is fun and all, but getting no feedback is boring. Feedback also sustains my motivation for actually writing this blog... though, like many of you, I love the sound of my own voice (errrr, keyboard?). I occasionally get some comments/feedback in person, which I greatly appreciate, but more here would be nice. I know at least some of you like reading this stuff, so if you want it to continue, give me a little feedback, please!

In summary,
blog + no comments =
=> low motivation, lower quality entries (and I may even resort to emo posts!)

blog + comments =
=> more entries with continued 'quality' writing

You know what to do.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that when I think of what I did this May long weekend that I can't think of much that's blog-worthy? There's no question it was a good long weekend, but there was nothing that was overly dramatic. Anyway, a couple highlights:
* I finally had a chance to give my baby a much needed washing. My car shines up real nice like. I kept noticing people checking out my car as I drove past. It probably didn't hurt to have Holly in the passenger seat for some of those. 

* I got a cell phone! After months and months of building anticipation, research, and working up a proper justification for getting one, I now have a new toy! I got a Motorola RAZR V3c with a good plan for cheap. Connections are a thing of beauty. I also got a good phone number, based off my last name. Hehe. And now I can finally use my car's built-in bluetooth capabilities! 

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
Wayne, you're a comment whore.
I applaud you:)
It would be easier if I could comment from Mozilla, it's silly to have to switch browsers, but that's the way it is.
I much enjoy your blogs - which, I, like others comment to you in person!
Hey, I'm not one of those 'crazy' people that create 'art' for the sake of art (or Art, because he seems to love art, too). I create my art for my audience and for all I know, my audience is a mob of mindless, slobbering zombies that don't comment. :-P All I ask is that you prove to me otherwise.
And yeah, I have my moments of whorishness.
"Fire at Will!"
That is all.
I like most of your posts... some of them are really really long though. Not always a bad thing... but hard to read at work.
PS Have you ever commented on my site? What happened to the ethic of reciprocity? And no... I don't really know what that means.
PPS... post some photos of your car... and maybe some of holly too... or both... yeah, that would be cool
Hmm, you're right, I haven't commented on yours. I should do that.
As for the length, that's not by design. I usually write until I've got everything I want covered. I have noticed some getting a little too long for my liking, though.
I haven't gotten around to posting any pictures yet, but I will eventually. Not likely anytime this weekend though.
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