[MSN Spaces] Return of the 80s!
To all the other children of the 80s, chances are you've seen (many many many times) The Breakfast Club. Do you remember the weird girl, Allison Reynolds? Played by Ally Sheedy? I met her on Friday night. Not Ally Sheedy, but Allison Reynolds. She was a high schooler from out of town. If ever there was an incarnation of Allison, then this girl was it. She dressed like her, acted like her, bounced around like her. It was scary. It was funny. Some might say it was scunny... scarny? funry? fury? Ok, I'll stop now. Dale and I decided that either A) she had forgotten to take her meds, or B) she had double-dosed her meds. 

Aside from Allison Incarnate, it was a fairly quiet Swing City. I didn't really have to do much for 'running' Swing City. It was basically what I said last entry.
After Swing City, though, I had a brief encounter with a few drunken dumbasses. I was driving Sara and Harrison home and just outside the Conference Centre, this drunken dumbass was jaywalking in front of me. I slowed down because, well, he was a drunken dumbass and you can never tell what a drunken dumbass is going to do. As I got within a few feet, this particular drunken dumbass decided to head BACK, DIRECTLY in front of my car. I hit the brakes and drunken dumbass number two (a.k.a. stupid drunken dumbass woman) yelled something incoherent. According to Sara, she was extolling the virtues of me learning how to properly operate a motor vehicle... only not in so many words. She (sorry, drunken dumbass number two) then decided (as Sara put it) "to make out with the side window." Stupid drunken dumbass woman tapped on the window with her ring, so I took a quick right turn (red light) and drove away. Who knows what the group (there were two? others) of drunken dumbasses would have done to my car if I had stayed. Frankly, I didn't feel like dealing with a bunch of drunken dumbasses humping my car tires. As for drunken dumbass number one, if I had an SUV with a brushguard ('traffic controller'), I would have gladly run down this drunken dumbass... illegality aside. But truth be told, my car's worth more than this drunken dumbass. I mean, if he doesn't value his own life enough to NOT walk in front of a (1488kg + ~250kg of driver/passengers/gas/stuff) object moving about 20km/h (I did slow down in advance of drunken dumbasses), complete with 9656.328Ns of corresponding momentum, it's just not worth it to me to spend the money to fix whatever damage would be incurred. Stupid drunken dumbasses.
Saturday, I got my vacation plans 'finalized' and booked. I just need to deal with the details and lay out the money. Quick itinerary: Herräng, London, Paris. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to need a vacation after this vacation. I've already gotten some prep done; I now have enough memory for my camera to take 700+ pictures at full quality or many many minutes of video.
Last night's team practice went smoothly, despite it only being Carolyn, Angela, Rajeev, and me. It was all about the Michael Jackson.
(Is it just me, or did that sound like such a non-sequitur?) There was some miscellaneous swing played and routine music played repeatedly, but other than that it was all MJ stuff.

Today, Holly's driving around little horses and carts for Wheel Power. They go around to different elementary schools with these little horses, with carts attached, for the kids. The last couple times, she was dressed up as a nurse, driving the medical wagon. I missed the first one she did this year, which was at Tillicum Elementary. Tillicum is my old elementary and is a block away from my place. Oh well. This morning, they were at Braefoot Elementary, which is on my way to work, so I dropped by. Let me tell you, it feels a little odd (creepy) being a lone male driving into an elementary school... with Michael Jackson playing, no less. As Holly said, it's good I don't drive a white panel van. I couldn't say I was dropping off my kid, since I had no kid with me. I couldn't even say I was picking up my kid, since it was morning and they'd be just arriving. I'm not here to pick up at all (either good way or bad way). Well, I *could* say I was here to pick up Holly (in a good way), though.
Anyway, there are a couple interesting carts. The firewagon has what's supposed to be a water tank, I guess, on the back. It really just looks like a giant martini shaker. Then there's the "Root Beer Wagon", which has a wooden keg on the back. I want to say that the "Root" looked a little smaller and tacked on as an afterthought, but that wouldn't be true. Maybe next time.
One last note. Last night, I was talking with sav, giving him a quick rundown of the weekend. I told him about Allison Incarnate and he went on about Ally Sheedy, sending me a few picture links. One of which was a screen capture from Short Circuit! I don't know about you, but I LOVED Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2 as a kid. "Johnny 5 alive!" "No disassemble!" And so, I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes (from SC2):
Los locos kick your ass!
Los locos kick your face!
Los locos kick your balls into outer space!
That is all.
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