[MSN Spaces] I could use about 17 hours in bed...
I think I'm still running off a bit of sleep deprivation from snowboarding. Oh well, so worth it.
What follows is a collection of various thoughts and events that I've had since the last entry. Please be mindful of the abrupt shifts and uneven landscape. Do watch your step.
I've learned, once again, that reading Sara's livejournal is evil, with its yellow text on dark blue background... the hard way, of course. The yellow/blue gets burned into my retinas and I'll be seeing the ghost images for the next... week. It was bad enough on a CRT monitor, but the effects are exacerbated by the LCD panel. *shakes fist at Sara*
Monday nights, I've been taking Swing 4 to refresh and hone my lindy skills. One of those strange events happened where the guys outnumbered the girls. We were short three (then two, as a follow showed up late) girls this past Monday. Since it's fun, generally unexpected, and can help your leading, I popped in as a follow every so often. It wasn't until later that I realized something. I've actually danced with every single person in that class before! All but two of which I had previously danced with socially! Rather amusing, I thought.
After Swing 4, a contingent headed out to Swan's. I invited Holly out before, so she showed up at the end of class, and we went together. Swan's was fun. Haven't danced there in several weeks. It's always an interesting experience dancing there. It definitely gives you practice at your floorcraft and protection skills. Mix together a small dancefloor, the band, pillars, a bar table island thing, chairs, wait staff and patrons roaming about, and the occasional non-dancer and you can imagine how hectic things can get. Anyway, to continue to the point, I think Holly's status has been changed to 'lapwarmer' in some people's minds... and conversely, I'm a 'buttwarmer'. I'm ok with that.
Today is my 'Chinese' birthday. I should explain. The Chinese calendar is based on the lunar cycle, as opposed to the Western calendar which is based on the solar cycle. So I have two birthdays, one based on the lunar cycle and one based on the solar cycle. You can see in my profile that my birthday is April 29. That's the solar cycle birthday. Convert back to the lunar cycle and you get my real ('Chinese') birthday of March 15. Well, 15th day of the 3rd month, that is. This year, that day happens to be today. Since it's always so hard to get everybody together, we had a big dinner last night. This was also the first 'official' time my family met Holly. I think it went well. Holly was amused at how my "brother and Evelyn are kind of like big kids with interesting not kid-like lives". "I'm not surprised cause that's kind of how you are too". The "you" in the last quote is obviously me, if you didn't catch that.
One more thing: "I'm going to Happy Birthday you again on the 29th". Birthday celebrations are fun!
Ok, one more 'one more thing': After work, I packed up my stuff and headed out to my car. As I walked out the door, I hear a call and look over to see Holly sitting on the steps! What a great surprise! We hang out for awhile and I get a great massage. This turned out to be a pretty good couple days! 

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
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