[MSN Spaces] "I'm single and need to live vicariously through my friends. Throw me a fricken bone, here."
Oh the possible jokes to be had with that one. Too bad they're all too obvious.
This bit is for Sara; you know why. *hint hint* ^^^^
Sunday night didn't go quite as I'd hoped. Turns out Holly missed the Coho ferry by 5 cars... 'Turn around, drive to the border, continue on to Tsawassen, and wait one sailing to get back to Victoria.' After practice, scavenging from Dave and Tina's, and dropping you off, I make my way home. Uncanny timing with a phone call, and I catch her as she gets home. On the phone till .. well, far far far too late.
Am I crazy? I'm actually beginning to seriously consider going to Herräng, Sweden in July. World's best Lindy (and other) teachers all congregating in July for four weeks of non-stop dancing, workshops, and partying. I'm young and now's probably the time to do it, since I haven't blown all my money yet. I'd only be there for the first week, but who knows if I'd even be able to survive more! Another week to do a quick tour of surrounding areas and this is sounding feasible.

Speaking of dancing, April's looking to be a gooooood (and seriously crazy) month. On the dancing front, there's going to be the Hot Jazz Jubilee on the weekend of the 21st. On the weekend of the 28th, Hot Koko's coming back over, workshop in tow. Combine the Hot Koko weekend with my birthday, and I'm expecting a couple birthday jams.
Off the dancing front, my brother's moving to Vancouver mid-April to go full-time with the BC Ambulance service. And then as if my birthday weekend wasn't crazy enough, my sister-in-law Ev is expecting a baby that weekend!!
Crazy April. Life is getting interesting.
And now...
My thoughts for today:
That is all.
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