[MSN Spaces] "Some people use belts or suspenders; I use Sara's boobs."
In regards to the title... well, you'll have to pester me about it if you want an explanation.
So, my friend Erik says I should have a blog, so this posting is for him. As he puts it, "personal contact is so outdated". There are some things to be said for personal contact, but he lives in Kirkland, so personal contact is rather more difficult.
On that note, he just proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Amanda. You can read about that on his blog. Congrats, man! That's some exciting news!
The following contains a few expletives.
Goddamn fucking stupid drivers!! About five minutes ago, I was almost in a car accident. The location? The intersection of Tillicum and the Old Island Highway. I was driving home from teaching Swing at UVic and was coming down the hill, crossing the highway. As I get to the light, it changes to yellow, but I was close enough that I couldn't stop in time. The first person (in an old SUV) waiting to turn left turns in front of me... a little close, so I slow down and honk. That's not so bad. It was the fucking idiot BEHIND the SUV. This dumbass is driving an old POS mustang and turns left immediately after, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING WAY TO SEE IF THE INTERSECTION IS CLEAR!!! Fortunately, I see this retarded maneuver and slam on my brakes (and my horn). I managed to stop dead within a foot or so of his rear quarter. I sit there for a few seconds to calm down a little before I drive off. All the drivers around me that I noticed were staring down this idiot as he drove away.
Yeah. So dumb fucks on the road.
At least I get to look forward to something later. Holly's back from Bremerton today, and she should be dropping by at the end of my next lesson (teaching Swing 2) if her timing is good. New relationships are so much fun. 

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
Sweet Wayne, thanks for the good wishes. I'm glad you decided to update this thing. Keep it up!
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