[MSN Spaces] Karma?
It figures. After such a great weekend, things start going wrong as soon as I get into work. Gotta love Mondays. Luckily, it was only one incident, but it was annoying nonetheless. So I get into work and turn on my monitor. The screen kind of "pops", but it still works. I check my email, fill in my timesheet, and go to check one of our servers. I'm checking a few things on the server and look up and at my own monitor. "Hmm, it's just black." I look at it for a bit, thinking (hoping) that it's just the screensaver taking too long to load the pictures. I stare at it and nothing happens. Grrr. I finish up on the server and check my monitor. Shutting it off and turning it back on succeeded in making it work for a couple minutes. Repeat once more and I go to steal one of the spare monitors we have lying around. But 19" spares are few. I ended up grabbing one of the new 17" LCD panels that were included with the two new computers we bought. I'm running at a higher resolution now, so that should compensate for the size difference.
So now I'm switching monitors and here's where things get more annoying... if only because it's my own stupidity. I crawl under my desk, unplug my monitor, and lug this heavy heavy behemoth to another desk. I then plug in the LCD and turn it on. "This resolution mode is not supported. blah blah blah" Sonofa! If you don't know, LCD panels work best on a certain resolutions; they have a 'native' resolution. They also only work on a limited number of resolutions and usually only with a refresh rate of 60Hz. Crawl under my desk again to unplug, lug the old behemoth back, crawl under my desk AGAIN to plug in, and turn it on. Quickly change the resolution to the LCD's native resolution. Crawl, lug, crawl, turn on. "This resolution mode is not supported. blah blah blah" SONOFA! Crawl, lug, crawl, turn on. Quickly change the refresh rate down to 60Hz. Crawl, lug, crawl, turn on. FINALLY! So now I'm using the LCD. Adjustments on it are rather ... annoying and the light uniformity doesn't look to be the greatest. Go Dell... We'll see how well it works. There's an old 19" CRT I can switch to if I don't like the LCD enough.
Gotta love Mondays...

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
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