June 18, 2006

Cooked flesh and street workers

For quite a while now, every so often, I get the urge to dabble in electronics (stuff like the Light Spider Robot or BEAM robots) and ultimately to build a robot to do my bidding. I mean, every good World Domination scheme has to have at least one robot bent on human destruction. Anyway, several months back, I ordered a few kits and a Learn to Solder kit. (Hey, you gotta start somewhere.) This weekend, I finally got around to it. (What can I say, World Domination is sometimes a slow process... or was that lazy process?) It's a lot of fun and the couple simple kits I've put together so far have worked flawlessly. I got through it only partially scathed. I learned the hard way that you don't touch metal things that you're currently soldering, because they get very hot. Very very hot. I've got the cooked flesh to prove it. I've also learned that I will repeatedly and accidentally touch the soldering iron holster while it's still hot. At least that thing doesn't get hot enough to cook. At least, not so far. So yeah, in a few more months, I might get around to finishing off the rest of the kits and I'll have a Light Spider Robot of my own wandering around. (It'll probably be a few years before the human-destroying robot will come about.)

On a completely different topic, as of June 24th, three of the five current male members of our swing team have significant others that work on the street. Holly (my SO, obviously) works for Black Beauty Carriage Tours, which offers horse-drawn carriage tours downtown. Christabel (sav's SO, also on the team) works for Royal Blue Line Motor Tours, which offers open- and closed-top bus tours around the city. Starting on the 24th, Tina (David's SO/wife, also on the team) will be working with Christabel at Royal Blue Line.

That suggests a plan to me: get Chris' and Rajeev's SOs to work on the street! For Chris, that'll require acquiring an SO first. Easiest thing would be to set him up with somebody that works at Black Beauty (or one of the other carriage tour companies) or Royal Blue Line (or one of the other bus tour companies). For Rajeev, that requires getting Angela to change or expand her job. (Somehow I don't think Angela would agree to getting Rajeev to change his SO... I have a feeling Rajeev may not either.) Angela does video editing and production and stuff like that. I wonder if she has any interest in on-street camera work? Hmm...

Just think... every male member of our swing team will have SOs that WORK ON THE STREET! Just imagine all the jokes and hilarity that will ensue! (It's already happened when we had two... and soon to be three.)

That is all.



At 23/6/06 12:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it comes right down to it, we're dancers that make our money on the street. And all of us, SOs on the street or not, are swingers. :)

At 23/6/06 9:24 am, Blogger Swirlie said...

Now that I think about it, Sara occasionally works the street, too, with her violin.


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