Still haven't found what you were looking for?
Here are some more search keywords for your amusement. Once again, comments in [italicized square brackets]. [Gaming community. Pretty high up in the Google results, too.]
europe 2006 todd contiki [Somebody's still looking for someone.]
daschund blogs [I assume this is in connection with the 'daschund roman candle' searches.]
\"hot koko\" swing [!]
circus swirl decals
\"this love is taking its toll\" [hehe! See "So who's the girl?" and "This love is taking its toll on me".]
stop smoking both nostrils unplugged [I'm the third Google result?!?]
pictures of Done up Altezzas [Done up or busted up?]
comical satire [When did I qualify as comical satire? When did I become third Google result for comical satire?]
Interesting searches. But what I'm surprised most about are the high results placements I have for these searches. I wonder if Blogger being part of the Google network has anything to do with it, or did I just become vaguely popular?

That is all.
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