Volcanic eruptions and comical satire
Last night, Holly and I were out for a little Christmas shopping and we ended up at Walmart. I never park in the main Walmart parking lot, instead I usually park in the Blockbuster lot nearby and go for a short walk. Moxies is attached to Blockbuster, so getting out of the car, I jokingly asked Holly if she wanted a Volcano. She was tempted, and mentioned it a few times while at Walmart. So, we went for a couple Volcanoes after shopping. Volcanoes are so good!

Ordering off the kid's menu is always fun. The waitress looked amused. When she asked what topping we wanted, I gave my standard reply of "yes". She asked "Strawberry?", since that was the last one she listed. "No, all of them." If you haven't had a Volcano yet, with all the toppings, you really should.
After a few minutes, the waitress came back with our Volcanoes. "I hope you're as excited as the kids are."
"Of course!"
"Some kids dance around on the tables."
"I don't know if it'll support my weight."
I was sorely tempted, though.
On a completely different subject, here are two comics from Life in Plastic Pants:
Pop Ultimatum and Pop Accord. They're funny because they're true.

That is all.
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