Why, oh, why? *shakes head*
Sometimes I just can't understand the sheer assholery (or obliviousness) of some people. Outside my work, there's a small road leading from one small parking lot past the main entrance to a larger parking lot. This road is just big enough for two cars. There's a path to the main entrance that's big enough for a car to park in; there are people parked there for deliveries/picking-up/dropping-off regularly. This morning, I was walking to the entrance and this dumbass woman had parked her van IN THE MIDDLE OF THE @$#&ING ROAD, IN FRONT OF THE ENTRANCE!! Literally in the MIDDLE. She was blocking both the road and the path to the entrance. As I was walking, another woman drove up and had to drive on the grass to get around the idiot van. The dumbass didn't even TRY to park in the entrance path, or even park SLIGHTLY over to one side... *sigh*

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
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