Scrubs addiction; it's a hilarious affliction
This past weekend, I was up-island with Holly at her parents' place. The drive up Friday night was relatively uneventful, despite the driving rain and wind earlier in the day. One interesting phenomenon while driving up was the rain hitting the windshield. Stoner's Invisible Glass must be pretty good. I've been using it since the summer and rain beads up on the windshield fairly well. Driving over the Malahat, the rain was pretty hard in some spots... well, hard when driving at highway speeds. If it weren't for the glare from lights, I could have gotten away with not using my wipers. The rain would bead up on the windshield and just roll off from the air resistance. When no lights were shining at me, I could see perfectly well. It was a neat effect to see. Holly tried to capture it on camera, but it just didn't come out well enough.
Saturday night, we stayed inside and watched some Scrubs. I introduced Holly to it awhile ago and she's been addicted since. I brought my season one and two DVD box sets so we could finish off season one and start season two. Holly's parents joined us and it became a marathon as I've created two new addicts. We ended up watching ten episodes in total, with a break for dinner after three. That's a little over four hours of a show which they had never even heard of before. It's that good. I left season 1 with Holly's parents so they could finish watching it.

Sunday morning was the photo shoot. A family friend, a photographer, was creating a newspaper advert and needed a family to model for it. The advert was for the upcoming Holiday Season, with the theme of "kids home for the holidays is a perfect time to get family portraits". After the family stuff was done (through which, I tried to get some more sleep; as I had a three hour drive, teaching, and a class ahead of me with very little time between all that), Holly and I had a mini-shoot. We were standing there, hugging, waiting for him to get things set up, and he told us to "keep that mood" for the pictures. Ok, no problem. A bunch of shots and some light adjustments later, and we were done. I wonder how the pictures turned out...
That is all.
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