Scum of the Earth
I encountered the handiwork of one member of the Scum of the Earth last night. Some bastard backed up ONTO my front bumper and didn't leave any information. Now there are pretty bad scrapes (paint gone, polyurethane bumper exposed and scraped) across most of the top edge and surface of the bumper. The front surface was scuffed and scratched from the license plate being forced into it. The bumper's going to need repair and repainting. Also, the grill is scuffed and scratched and will need repair/replacement. F**king hit and runs! I'm about 90% certain about when it happened and which vehicle perpetrated it. The bastard vehicle was an older (late-80's, early 90's), light-colour SUV. Possibly an Isuzu Rodeo. It was parked in the surrounding neighbourhoods of Reynolds Secondary School late last night (~11pm).
I don't expect anything, but if anybody happens to know anything about the incident, please contact me. You can leave me a comment if you don't have my contact information or check my profile for my MSN contact. I just want it repaired. If The Right Thing can be done and the person that did it can come forward and cover the repair (insurance or otherwise), I'll be happy. As it stands now, I'm going to be paying for this out of pocket; whether it be for the whole job or for the insurance deductible. Grrr...

Anybody know a good bodyshop?
**Edit: When I said "an Isuzu Rodeo", I meant "an Isuzu Trooper". Wrong SUV from Isuzu.
That is all.
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