Geekery follows...

In the TG Daily news today is an opinion piece entitled Is Apple lying?. With the recent launch of Vista (and all the problems one expects from any major launch like this), Apple has been running an ad campaign that basically amounts to (not surprisingly) a smear/slander campaign. Bill Gates reacted by calling Steve Jobs a liar. Finally, the thoughts of many have been vocalized.
The campaign (as well as their previous Mac vs PC campaigns) is amusing in some ways, but not in the ways intended. At best, they were misguided and not entirely correct. In a lot of ways, they parallel presidential/political campaigns in that it's more about throwing mud at your opponents than anything else. The only difference is, is that Apple has been the only one doing the throwing. And as the article says (emphasis is my own):
I also wonder if these are really selling the Mac as much as they are scaring folks away from Vista. These spots, while fun, don't really showcase the Mac much at all and seem to simply focus on contrived Windows shortcomings. Where is iLife, or iMovie, or Garageband, or FinalCut? There is a little bit of that in an occasional iLife mention, but mostly this campaign seems to be taking shots at Windows and if the Mac truly is better why would Apple have to lie, and why would they avoid any details on why the Mac is better?
Why, indeed?
That is all.
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