March 30, 2007

Death and oblivion

This is a somewhat different entry than my norm, but the mood struck.

Last night Holly and I went to see a movie called Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. I'll cover it in a later entry. I was about a third of the way through the novel when I watched the movie. Over the last while, I've been thinking a lot about the story and somehow that thinking led me to thinking about death. That sparked a memory from when I was younger, when I'd sometimes lie in bed imagining what death was like. I always imagined it as a sort of total oblivion, with the exception that I was conscious enough to perceive being in the sheer and utter oblivion. That would be upsetting enough, but what made it worse was thinking about how much I'd miss certain things. (Now, remember I was a kid at the time and was in part growing up in front of the TV.) So it ended up that those certain things I'd miss happened to be shows like I Love Lucy and The A-Team. It wasn't all TV shows; I'd miss my family and friends, too, of course. But it was the TV shows that seemed to strike the most, because as a kid you take for granted that your family will just always be there. Yep, oblivion = no more TV.

That is all.



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