Mish Mash, I was taking a bath / 'Long about a Saturday Night.
As hinted by the title (sorry about that), this post is going to be a mish mash of topics.
Saturday night. The team performed at a wedding on Saturday night. An East Indian wedding. What? Yeah, swing isn't really the first thing you think of when you hear 'East Indian wedding'. It was fun, though. It was also fun doing a tantrum (aerial) to It's All Right With Me (lyrics...) at a wedding... Exactly.
Last night I was randomly surfing around and came across a site called Geekologie. Its About reads: "Geekologie is [a] website dedicated to the scientific study of gadgets, gizmos, and awesome." I wouldn't say 'scientific' or 'study' even, and a lot of the author's comments are rather asinine, but there are some pretty cool items featured... such as the Abduction Lamp. Another favourite is the full size Camarasaurus dinosaur replica. This thing is six metres high and seventeen metres long. And somebody added the absolute best comment ever:
So I'm the only one here that wants it outside my work so at 5:30pm I can jump out the window and slide down it's [sic] neck to my car whilst screaming "Yabba Dabba DOO!!"?
July 4. Forget American Independence Day; I don't care about that. July 4 is when the Transformers movie comes out!

That is all.
Labels: Rants/Musings/etc.
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