January 26, 2009

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Sun Nin Fy Lok! Happy Year of the Ox!
Borrowed from http://bluebison.net/

That is all.


January 20, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different...

You just can't get away from Inauguration coverage today, even if you tried. Not surprising at all, really. It's everywhere... except here.

And now for something completely different...

So after a hiatus from Macro Mondays, it will return... eventually. Insurance is slowly working and I've got some items replaced. Out of my camera equipment, I have my 50mm and extra battery. The rest needs to be ordered in for me to pick up. Hopefully, that doesn't take too long, as I've been suffering withdrawal and camera envy. See you soon!

That is all.

January 05, 2009

The Transformation...

... of two stellated rhombic dodecahedrons from a cube and other such stuff.

Let's start with the other such stuff.
Sadly, Macro Monday is on an indefinite hiatus. A few days before Christmas, my place was broken into and among the things stolen was my DSLR and all my lenses, including the LensBaby I had just gotten. We're currently dealing with insurance, so hopefully things get sorted out soon and I can get back to my photography. It's pretty amazing thinking about how differently I see things now compared to before I got my DSLR. Interesting photos are everywhere.

And now onto the transformation. It's easier to just show you a video than to explain it. I want one. I have one similar to this (only one piece, not two) that I got from a job fair awhile back, but that extra dimension of having two pieces really adds a lot!

That is all.

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