January 05, 2009

The Transformation...

... of two stellated rhombic dodecahedrons from a cube and other such stuff.

Let's start with the other such stuff.
Sadly, Macro Monday is on an indefinite hiatus. A few days before Christmas, my place was broken into and among the things stolen was my DSLR and all my lenses, including the LensBaby I had just gotten. We're currently dealing with insurance, so hopefully things get sorted out soon and I can get back to my photography. It's pretty amazing thinking about how differently I see things now compared to before I got my DSLR. Interesting photos are everywhere.

And now onto the transformation. It's easier to just show you a video than to explain it. I want one. I have one similar to this (only one piece, not two) that I got from a job fair awhile back, but that extra dimension of having two pieces really adds a lot!

That is all.

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