Pottering about...
In light of the recent buzz over Harry Potter and the release of the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I got to thinking about what's going to happen in the series. Not being one of the obsessed, I wasn't lined up before midnight, dressed as Harry Potter or any of the other characters, frantically anticipating the release. In fact, it only took me about ten years to start reading the series... I currently have about 4,000 pages left, give or take a few hundred. In other words, I'm reading book two right now. Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is to tell you that I've figured out the surprise ending in the final book without having read it. It goes something like this:
Severus Snape is Harry Potter's mother.
"What?" you say, "You're crazy!" Not at all (well, maybe a little), but it'll all make sense in a second.
So, Snape is Harry Potter's mother. That's not all. Severus Snape is also Voldemort. If you remember back to when Voldemort killed Harry Potter's parents and left the lightning scar on Harry, Harry's father was the first to die. Harry's mother/Snape/Voldemort killed his father first, then attacked his mother. Now, since his mother was also Voldemort, when his mother 'died', Voldemort's power was destroyed. The scar on Harry was caused by shrapnel.
Now, fast forward to the end. Voldemort(/Snape/mother) confronts Harry and says, "Luk... err... Harry, I am your mother!" This is just too much for Harry to handle, as something in his mind snaps, driving him to insanity. At this point, Harry goes on a wild killing rampage, destroying the entire UK, before finally committing suicide.
Keep all this in mind as you read the last book. You'll see how uncannily accurate it is.
Come to think of it, I should have thought of all this on the 20th... Oh yeah, this post contains spoiler warnings.

Hmm, I wonder how many hits I'll get because I mentioned 'Harry Potter'? Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Hagrid Harry Potter Harry Potter
That is all.
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